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Administrative Resources for Electors Without a Permanent Address

Electors without a permanent address can still vote. The place where the elector returned to most often to eat or sleep in the past five weeks is considered to be their address. As administrators of shelters, food banks, and community health care facilities, you can provide eligible electors without a permanent address a temporary form of ID for the elector to use when they go to vote.

The process to provide an elector without a permanent address a temporary form of ID includes the following steps for the administrators. 

1. We will provide you with an Authorization for Administrators form to complete and return to us before advance voting days and/or election day by either:


mail: Elections Ontario, Outreach, 26 Prince Andrew Place, Toronto, Ontario M3C 2H4

2. Once the Authorization for Administrators Form has been completed and returned to us, we will send you a Certificate of Identity and Residence form, which allows you to act as a signatory to verify the identity and residence of your clients.

3. On the Certificate of Identity and Residence form, you must include your client’s voting location and the address of the shelter, food bank, or community health care facility. You can enter the address of the shelter, food bank or community health care facility into our Voter Information Service to find the client’s voting location. 

4. Both you and your client must sign the form.

5. Your client will take this form to their voting location and use it as their ID for the election official to issue them a ballot. 

For questions, please contact us.