If you are inquiring about the federal election, contact Elections Canada.
About Us
* Required
Provincial wall map
Detailed 33" x 44" wall map of all electoral districts. Available only in colour. Bilingual. Cost = $15
Overview wall map
Detailed 34" x 44" wall map of one of the electoral districts. Available in colour and black and white. English only. Cost= Black & White $25, Colour $35
Polling division wall map
Detailed 34" x 44" wall map of one of the electoral districts including polling division boundaries and inset maps of cities and towns. Available in colour and black and white. English only. Cost= Black & White $25, Colour $35
For orders that are shipped:
Payment must be made by cheque only. Make cheque payable to:
Elections Ontario (Geospatial Services) 26 Prince Andrew Place Toronto, ON M3C 2H4
An invoice will be emailed to you within two days of your order. Maps are shipped after payment has been received at Elections Ontario.
For orders that are picked up at Elections Ontario:
Pay by cheque at time of order pick-up. Make cheque payable to Elections Ontario.
Pay by cash at time of order pick-up. Must be exact amount, Elections Ontario does not give change.
An invoice will be emailed to you within two days of your order.
We will email or call you when your order has been printed and is ready to be picked up. Please wait for confirmation before arriving to pick-up your order.
Contact Information
Email: geospatial@elections.on.ca Phone: 1.888.668.8683 TTY: 1.888.292.2312 Fax: 1.866.714.2809